Is Opposition to Obamacare Racist?

racismIt is pretty easy to be against Obamacare these days. The federal government can’t come up with a working website to help people buy health insurance. The President misled people about whether they could hold onto their old insurance plans. And come next tax day, the least popular provision of the Affordable Care Act – the individual mandate – will be implemented for the first time.
Lost amidst all this controversy is the very strong likelihood that once Obamacare is fully implemented, and the disastrous website is functioning properly, the law will mean health insurance for millions of previously uninsured Americans. And the people most likely to benefit from this law, according to a recent study, are blacks and Hispanics who not only have higher rates of uninsurance, but also frequently demonstrate greater need for medical care.
Which raises a question: is it racist to oppose the Obamacare efforts to increase health insurance in the United States?…(Read more and view comments at Forbes)

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