People's Stories Reveal Uncertainty About Who Obamacare Will Help

fayetteville observerThe Obamacare health insurance exchanges have been up and running for only a few months now, with a semi-functioning website active for even less time than that. So it is far too early to tell who will benefit and who will be harmed as the law continues to unfold. In the absence of solid data, that leaves us with stories. And here are a few stories, reported on in the Fayetteville Observer, to give you feel for the range of experiences people are having lately.

The Affordable Care Act has been a battle from the beginning, but the fiercest fight of all appears to be shaping up ahead of the midterm elections this year.
On one side, Republican critics say Obamacare has been a disaster that costs millions of Americans more money. On the other side, Democrats defend the health care law as helping millions of Americans finally afford insurance.

The narrative already is playing out in television ads, using examples of real people. U.S. Sen. Kay Hagan of North Carolina is a target of Republicans for her support of the Affordable Care Act, including one ad that features a Chapel Hill woman whose insurance was canceled and pays more for a temporary plan.

Meanwhile, the White House is releasing success stories from cancer survivors, the self-employed and people who see big reductions in premiums… (Read more at the Fayetteville Observer)

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