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Out of a Horrible Situation, Some Great Writing
Every once in a while, I like to highlight outstanding writing in my blog. I guess that makes up for the writing otherwise expose you to – namely, my own. As I expect most of you know, there’s been a horrible situation in Flint, Michigan recently, with government negligence leading to lead poisoning in the…
Imagine the Cost of Imaging
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Copay Assistance Controversy Continues
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Want to Pay Higher Prices? Try a For-Profit Hospital!
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Here's Why Healthcare Is So Expensive, According To Your Favorite Presidential Candidate
The United States far outspends peer countries on healthcare. When American politicians complain about these high healthcare costs, they often vilify pharmaceutical and insurance companies for profiting at the expense of the general public. As I wrote earlier, such vilification is misguided, pushing too much of the blame on individual actors rather than on the…