Uncovered: In America, Insurance Doesn’t Guarantee Access and Coverage Doesn’t Mean You’re Covered

Uncovered: In America, Insurance Doesn’t Guarantee Access and Coverage Doesn’t Mean You’re Covered

Something like one in seven people living in the US have no healthcare insurance. In fact, the number of uninsured people has grown by 7 million since Trump has become president. (Make America Uninsured Again?) These numbers are atrocious. Embarrassing. Shameful, actually, in a country as wealthy as ours. We need to recommit ourselves to guaranteeing people access to affordable healthcare insurance.

And then we need to go one step further and make sure the insurance we offer is robust enough to allow people to receive necessary medical care without going bankrupt. Because currently, even when Americans do have health insurance, they often don’t have access to affordable medical care.

(To read the rest of the article, please visit Forbes).

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