How I Became a Fan of One of My Fans

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A number of years ago, I wrote a book – You’re Stronger Than You Think – which explores the surprising resilience of people with chronic illness and disability. I’ve done a bunch of research on the topic, but in the book I wrote not only about such research, but also about real people, who overcame seriously adverse circumstances.
The book was a disappointment at the box office, but every once in a while I hear back from someone who says the book has had a good impact on their lives. I received one such email recently from Oliver Johnston, a competitive long-distance runner who got into a horrific automobile accident and was told he would never run again. He said the book really resonated with his experience:
“Much of what you wrote chimed closely with my own experiences.”
He talked about the surprising strength many of us find we have within ourselves, when faced with unexpected adversity:
“I have often said to people that while I would not wish my experience and situation on anybody, not everybody has the privilege to test themselves personally in the most terrible of circumstances and learning that they have the strength and power to pass the test, as the case studies in your book likewise so inspirationally did.” And much more importantly, he sent me a link to a video he made about his experience, one he said I was welcome to pass along to all of you. Please check this out – it’s amazing!
He might have liked my book. I loved his video!

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