Out of a Horrible Situation, Some Great Writing

Photo Credit: Rolling Stone Magazine
Photo Credit: Rolling Stone Magazine

Every once in a while, I like to highlight outstanding writing in my blog. I guess that makes up for the writing otherwise expose you to – namely, my own.
As I expect most of you know, there’s been a horrible situation in Flint, Michigan recently, with government negligence leading to lead poisoning in the city, despite huge protestations from the public. Well Rolling Stone Magazine recently published an excellent article on the topic, by Stephen Rodrick. Early in the piece, he describes what it was like growing up in Flint, when he used to walk along the shores of the Flint River. I will let him take it from here:

Every day, my anti-nature walks brought new treasures: a dog carcass; the front grille of a K-car; and long, green bubbles of water that appeared to be living, malevolent, aquatic creatures with free will. Whenever I stuck my hand into the water to retrieve an abandoned tire or a shard of chain-link fence, my skin would come out a mottled crimson.

Awful, and brilliant, stuff!

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