Upcoming web video chat thingamabob
Here are some details on a live web chat I’m having on Friday. Feel free to send in some fun questions.
Here are some details on a live web chat I’m having on Friday. Feel free to send in some fun questions.
Oscar Wilde is one of the most quotable people in history of the English language. He even had ideas about robots, many decades before people had any idea what robots could achieve. And in typical Wildean fashion, he provocatively tied it together with his attitudes on the advantages of slavery: “Unless there are slaves to…
According to a new study, daycare will increase your child’s health, intelligence and social development. But do you think the study is scientifically rigorous enough to justify this conclusion?
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“If it’s a revolution it can’t be predictable. And if it’s predictable it can’t be a revolution.” -Clay Shirky (Click here to view comments)
Most of us have at least one cranky old relative who not only has stronger opinions than the rest of us, but is also convinced that those opinions are superior to ours. Not just content to believe that, say, voter ID laws are a good idea, this relative is also derisive of anyone with a…
“The mistake is to think that communications will solve the problems of communication, that better wiring will eliminate the ghosts.” —John Durham Peters (Click here to view comments)
In World War II, soldiers were reminded regularly to take their anti-malaria pills. One soldier summarized this practice as follows: “Like fat cattle who are pampered to the very doors of the slaughterhouse, it was important that if and when we died we should be in good health.” Gulp. (Click here to view comments)