If You Don’t Have Employer Insurance, You Probably Have a High Deductible
Most people in the United States get health insurance either through their employer or through government programs like Medicare and Medicaid. But some people have to find other ways to get healthcare insurance, with an increasing number of people doing so through the Obamacare exchanges, or “marketplaces.” In fact, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation nearly 2/3 of people in this situation can thank the Affordable Care Act for their access to healthcare insurance:
With increasing frequency, when people purchase health insurance through things like the exchanges, their purchasing plans have high deductibles:
15 years ago, if I told you that a president came into office, instituted a marketplace for healthcare insurance, a marketplace that caused an increasing percentage of Americans to end up in high deductible “consumer directed health plans” – you’d have told me that must have been a Republican president. Go figure.